Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Another Name in the World of Bodybuilding Supplements - IGF-1 LR3

Many anabolic steroids and growth hormones have been used by bodybuilders for performance enhancement. IGF-1 LR3 is yet another name that is gaining popularity among these professionals. 

IGF-1 LR3 is nothing but the insulin like growth factor type 1 that is altered to add 13 amino acids to the N-terminal of its polypeptide chain and thus functions as human manufactured IGF-1 analogue. 

How does IGF-1 LR3 promotes athletic performance?

IGF-1 secretion from liver in human body follows the synthesis of growth hormone and supports cell growth, differentiation, replication and repair. It thereby helps in:

  • burning fat
  • rejuvenating cells
  • accelerating muscle growth
  • accelerating production of infection fighting WBCs, thus improving chances of recovery
  • promotes protein transportation in the cells.
Thus, it helps bodybuilders in gaining muscle mass and increase athletic performance. IGF-1 is supplied in the form prescription injections, its booster and enhancers form are also available in the market containing natural IGF-1 sources. Though banned by the sports organization, it is still popular among the athletes. 

Dosage and form of IGF-1 

IGF-1 Long R3 injections are available to be injected intramuscularly to increase muscle cell proliferation immediately into the injected area. 
Bodybuilders use this drug in cycle on/off period, using the supplements for a certain days with rest days in between. 

  • This practice reduces occurrence of potential side effects including interference of body's own ability to produce these hormones naturally. 
  • IGF-1 LR3 is 2-3 times more potent that IGF-1 and thus one must be extremely careful regarding the dosage of the drug. 
  • Bodybuilders often combine IGF-1 solution with other anabolic steroids to attain maximum benefits. 
  • The maximum dosage that can be taken by an adult should not exceed 100 mcg in a day.

Are there any side effects connected with the use of IGF-1?

IGF-1 LR3 is potent and depending on the prescribed amount and frequency of consumption may cause harmful side effects including: 
  • Frequent headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety 
  • Mood swings
  • changes in the way insulin is produced
  • insulin production can impact metabolic functions of the body
However, if IGF-1 is used in the form of nutritional supplements, the risks of potent side effects can be reduced greatly while achieving the same results. These supplements contain natural ingredients, are safer and even legal to use. 

When you start to take IGF-1 supplements, expect anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks to see any noticeable difference. Take them with a balanced diet that is rich in essential amino acids. Talk to your physician about safety and dosage recommendation before beginning with IGF-1 supplement consumption.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Get a Medical Prescription to Buy Somatropin - The Best Growth Hormone

Somatropin is nothing but a generic term that is given to the synthetically manufactured growth hormone. Recommended to treat deficiencies of human growth hormone, it is also being used by many athletes and bodybuilders for seeking faster weight loss solutions and for its anti ageing benefits. Though, the procurement in many such cases is illegal. 

Benefits of Somatropin to children

The injection form of Somatropin prescribed to treat the deficiencies pertaining to growth hormone in children and some adults are pricey but are beneficial in the following ways: 
It decreases the risk of developing osteoporosis by making the bones stronger. 
There is resultant increase in muscle mass with simultaneous decrease in fat tissue formation. 
As the use increases the blood levels of good cholesterol, cardiovascular functions sees a great improvement. 

How is Somatropin supplied?

Synthetically manufactured by recombinant DNA technology, it functions similar to the naturally produced growth hormone by the human body. This synthetic supplement is available in the form of either pills or injections to be taken in physician prescribed dosage.

The injection form is also procured illegally by many athletes for its capability to accelerate muscle growth and in turn their athletic performance. However, the drug carries potential risk of abuse causing increased risk of development of adverse effects.

Do you know that your need a prescription to buy Somatropin?

In case of over dosage, excess of Somatropin can cause numerous side effects including permanent deformities such as: 
Enlarged internal organs 
Acromegaly resulting from uncontrolled growth of all the connective tissues including bones and muscles. 

Thus, the use of such uncontrolled substance must be monitored to ensure that the hormone does not exceed its levels based on the age. 

Somatropin can be easily abused in the absence of physician monitoring. This is the reason that a ban is applied on the use of Somatropin used for promotion of muscle growth and stamina. Thus, a prescription is required for its legal procurement especially the injection form of the substance. 

Buying Somatropin - Do’s and Don’ts 

If you carry a legal medical prescription, procurement of the drug is easy and can be purchased at any pharmacy licensed for the sale of the drug. 
Somatropin injections for sale are also available at many online pharmacy stores
The drug is expensive with daily injections costing anywhere from $500 - $7,000 a month depending upon the dosage. 

Though, there are many illegal sources of procuring non-prescribed Somatropin, the risk of finding a non-genuine product increases. 

Beware of the risks of buying Somatropin from non-licensed sources, they may contain contaminated ingredients. It carries high potential of being misused, so before going forward with any illegal purchase, weigh the risks and be cautious. 

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